Efek Salju

Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

Jadi #AgenSehat nya TanyaDok !!


Akhirnya bisa masang widget nya Tanya Dokter Anda alias TanyaDok :)

Kenapa saya mau menjadi salah satu agen dari Tanya Dok ini?
Salah satu alasannya adalah saya ingin masyarakat (khususnya pembaca blog saya) lebih menghargai kesehatan nya ..
Mengingat jangankan "membayar biaya dokter yang sangat mahal" sekarang ini, mungkin aja menyulitkan masyarakat untuk paling tidak cuma nanya aja tentang sakit yang dia rasakan.. jadi setidaknya dengan cuma nempelin widget tanya dok di blog saya, saya bisa bantu pembaca blog buat tanya-tanya sama ahlinya, setidaknya cuma bayar biaya internet dan ga perlu bayar biaya dokternya! hehe

Cek sebelah kanan blog saya, isi keluh kesah kaliaaan *tsah .. asal jangan curhat cinta aja ya disini bukan biro jodoh hahaaa :D
Selamat bertanya gaes, sehat selalu yaa ! Salam #AgenSehat TanyaDok :) :)
                                                           Tanya Dokter mu disini :)

Senin, 25 Mei 2015

Kepada Gadis Yang Kelak Menggantikan Posisiku

Disadur dari hipwee.com

Setiap hari aku selalu takut kehilanganmu, namun aku sadar yang aku inginkan adalah kebahagiaanmu.. 
Sebelumnya, izinkan aku mengucap terima kasih untukmu, pria yang sudah berada di sisiku ratusan hari lamanya..
Mencintai seseorang berarti berdiri kuat di atas kaki sendiri. Mencintai seseorang melibatkan keikhlasan untuk melepaskan, agar kalian kelak bertemu di jenjang yang lebih nyaman.
Salah satu tanda berdamai dengan masa lalu adalah saat kamu bisa dengan ikhlas menerima pendamping baru, yang menggantikan posisimu di hatinya. Pertanyaannya, “Sudah siapkah kamu?”

Untukmu, Gadis yang Kelak Menggantikan Posisiku

Kini, tangan priamu masih kugenggam 

Saat ini, tangan pria yang kelak akan menjadi masa depanmu masih rapi membungkus jariku.
Hey, kamu tak perlu cemburu — waktumu tak lama lagi akan tiba. Tenang saja, kupastikan priamu ini baik-baik saja. Makannya terjamin, jadwal hidupnya pun teratur. Aku cukup cerewet mengingatkannya untuk tidak lupa beberes kamar dan selalu mandi sebelum tidur. Yeah, dia memang seceroboh itu hingga perlu diingatkan setiap waktu.
Sekian lama kami bersama, sampai hari ini dia tak pernah lelah menggenggam tanganku setiap kami menyeberang jalanan ramai. Katanya aku seperti anak kecil, tak pernah bisa menyeberang dengan tepat.
Beberapa saat lagi akan tiba giliranmu.
Kamu akan merasakan nyamannya punya seseorang yang selalu berdiri di sisi kanan jalan, seakan dia rela melindungimu dari kemungkinan dihantam kendaraan. Kokohnya genggaman tangannya dan dorongan ringannya di punggungmu tanpa sadar akan jadi hal yang membuatmu merasa aman.
Berbahagialah untuk sosok pelindung yang segera tiba dalam hari-harimu.

Kamu Perlu Tahu, Pria yang Tampak Biasa Ini Ternyata Mampu Menjungkir-Balikkan Duniamu

Pria yang tampak biasa ini bisa membuat duniamu jungkir balik via www.phuketphotovideo.com
Sekilas, dia tampak biasa. Penampilannya yang hanya seadanya mungkin tidak membuatmu tertarik pada pandangan pertama.
Dia memang bukan tipe pria dandy yang selalu rapi dan wangi. Kamu lebih sering melihatnya memakai kaus daripada kemeja. Dia juga tidak pernah malu pergi ke mall hanya dengan sandal jepit dan celana pendek. Tapi satu yang perlu kamu tahu, di balik semua kecuekannya itu pria kita ini selalu punya cara untuk memenangkan hatimu.
Gayanya mendekatimu tidak akan terasa berlebihan. Di awal, kamu bahkan tidak menyadari bahwa dia menyukaimu. Sesekali dia dengan kasual menawarkan bantuan untuk menjemput atau mengantarmu pulang. Pesan singkat darinya juga lebih sering datang. Berbeda dari pria-pria lain yang membuatmu merasa dikejar, pria yang satu ini justru seperti teman baru yang selalu bisa diandalkan.
Kamu hanya akan merasa lebih sering tertawa saat berada di dekatnya. Berbincang dengannya membuatmu merasa dipahami. Sepertinya kalian tak pernah kehabisan bahan bicara. Iya, dia memang lucu dan pandai menemukan topik pembicaraan. Kelihaiannya menciptakan gelak tawa itulah yang nanti jadi kunci pamungkasnya untuk masuk ke hatimu.
Saat pada akhirnya kamu merasa membutuhkan kehadirannya, tak perlu kau lawan perasaan itu.Barangkali dia tidak akan memintamu secara resmi untuk jadi pacarnya. Tapi saat dia selalu ada untukmu, ikutilah kata hatimu dan terimalah dia jadi bagian hari-harimu.

Saat Dengkuran Pelannya Jadi Musik Terindah Dalam Hidupmu, Rayakanlah Kebersamaan Kalian Tanpa Ragu

Selama kamu masih bisa bersama, rayakanlah waktu yang kalian punya via www.finchandfawn.com
Bersama dia, akan kau temukan rumah tempatmu bisa selalu pulang. Bahu dan dadanya perlahan bertransformasi jadi tempat ternyaman untukmu merebahkan kepala. Dia memang pandai memperlakukanmu sebagai wanita yang layak dipuja. Pipimu yang sedang berjerawat banyak itu tanpa ragu akan tetap dikecupnya, pujian “Cantik” darinya juga tetap terdengar walau kamu sedang gemuk-gemuknya.
Kamu bisa jadi tak pernah percaya saat dia bilang mencintaimu bukan karena penampilan semata. Aku tahu ini mungkin terdengar sangat picisan. Tapi percayalah pada kata-katanya itu. Tak peduli sejelek apapun penampilanmu, kujamin kau akan menemukannya tetap mencintaimu.
Jangan terkejut saat dia menunjukkan sisi rapuhnya padamu. Dia bisa jadi pria yang tangannya merengkuh pinggangmu penuh perlindungan di satu waktu. Namun di lain hari, dia mungkin mengeluh manja ingin tidur sambil diusap punggungnya. Bersama wanita yang benar-benar dia cinta, seluruh sisi dirinya memang akan terbuka. Waktu dia menangis di hadapanmu, peluk dia erat-erat. Di depan orang yang sudah ia anggap pasangan jiwa, ia tak pernah ragu-ragu meluapkan emosinya.
Ketika kamu sudah terbiasa mendengar dengkuran lirihnya yang hanya berjarak sejengkal dari lehermu, jangan pernah ragu untuk spontan memeluknya saat rasa sayang yang amat sangat itu datang menyapa. Ia memang tak terbiasa membalas perlakuanmu dengan kata-kata manis penuh cinta, tapi tangannya akan selalu merengkuhmu dengan tak kalah hangatnya.
Saat ini, izinkan aku menikmati hangat tubuh dan dekapannya sebentar lagi. Sebelum kemewahan ini berpindah ke tanganmu.

Kita Memang Tidak Saling Mengenal. Tapi, Izinkan Aku Bersulang Lebih Awal Untuk Kehadiranmu

Kita memang tidak saling mengenal, tapi izinkan aku menyambut kehadiranmu via www.grace-kathryn.com
Saat kelak kamu menggantikan posisiku, bisa jadi kamu hanya mengenal sosokku dari posting Facebook dan tweets lama yang secara diam-diam kamu telusuri dari akunnya. Jika tak ditanya, cerita tentangku tak mungkin keluar dari mulutnya. Kenapa? Aku juga tak tahu. Hal yang sama juga terjadi pada gadis pendahuluku. Mungkin alasannya sederhana, dia hanya ingin menjalani masa depan bersamamu tanpa terganggu kenangan lama.
Setelah kamu datang, barangkali priamu dan aku masih tetap berteman. Selama aku mengenalnya, tak ada sejarah dia pernah bermusuhan dengan mantan. Tapi hey, kamu tak perlu khawatir! Dengarkan semua penjelasannya, renungkan dan amati semua perlakuannya padamu. Kamu mungkin cemburu padaku, tapi yakinlah bahwa hatinya memang telah memilihmu. Tak ada lagi alasanmu untuk ragu.
Jika di masa depan kita tinggal di kota berbeda dan tak punya kesempatan bertemu, izinkan aku mengangkat gelas lebih dulu demi merayakan kedatanganmu.
Kau-lah yang tergariskan mendampingi pria yang sama-sama pernah kita cinta. Kau -lah muara segala pencariannya. Demi dia, tak ada alasan bagiku untuk tidak berbahagia.
Kini giliranmu untuk menjaganyaSsssst…priamu kini bergumam dalam tidurnya. Satu lagi kebiasaan anehnya yang nanti harus kamu terima.

Kini Tiba Giliranmu Mendampinginya. Maka Kumohon, Jagalah Dia

Aku tidak mau berdusta dengan bilang sudah tidak lagi menyayanginya.
Bukankah rasa sayang itu bukan tisu sekali pakai yang bisa dibuang setelah selesai digunakan?
Sampai kapanpun, pria yang jadi masa depanmu itu tetap akan menempati posisi spesial di hatiku. Bukan sebagai kekasih, tentu saja. Melainkan teman tumbuh dari masa lalu yang turut membentukku sampai ke titik ini.

Kini giliranmu untuk menjaganya
Tapi ibarat pulsa ponsel, waktuku mendampinginya ada batas akhirnya. Tongkat estafet sebagai pendampingnya akan segera berpindah ke tanganmu. Maka, sebagai orang yang akan terus peduli padanya — kumohon, jagalah dia.
Tolong ingatkan dia untuk tidak tidur terlalu malam. Lingkar hitam di bawah matanya kini kian kentara. Jika tidak diingatkan, pria kita ini bisa-bisa lupa istirahat dan terus gila kerja. 
Jangan pernah lelah jadi pengingat agar dia tidak melupakan berbagai prioritas yang telah disusunnya. Dia sering terlalu tidak enak hati menolak permintaan yang datang, hingga kepentingan pribadinya rela dikorbankan.
Semangati dan yakinkan dia setiap priamu merasa tak mungkin bisa meraih impian. Kau dan aku pasti sepakat kalau dia punya segudang kelebihan, sesekali ia hanya butuh diyakinkan.
Waktu dia terlihat lelah dan putus asa, jangan pernah ragu mengusap punggungnya. Dia memang tak pernah minta. Tapi yakinlah, sedikit perhatian darimu amat bisa meringankan harinya.
Ketika kalian bertengkar, tolong jangan pernah mengulang kesalahanku. Sesekali dia memang bisa jadi kekasih paling cuek dan brengsek di dunia. Namun ketahuilah, bertahan bersamanya berarti kamu tak pernah harus kekurangan cinta.
Saat nanti dia menyakitimu, selalu ingatlah: menikmati sakit yang tercipta karena kealpaannya tak seberat mengakrabi sakit karena kehilangannya.
Selamat melanjutkan jalan, kamu beruntung menjadi masa depannya.

Gadis yang sempat berlabuh pada masa depanmu.

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

It doesnt matter how our problems outnumber us, its how we outfight them

That's a tweet that my 'fate' write today. If you ask why I rewrite it, it's because we have a different problem that we can solve -I mean we should write and share it to makes it less than before- So, I will tell it to my blogger.

From my Christian Bautista's problem, 
Dear Christian Bautista, if you read it, you have to read another post from me -that I always said million to you- to always keep ur health, to always know you are not young (sorry) like before :( And the bed news is I'm not beside you when you're sick like now :(
Yup, your back pain is back. How many times I said you to not too much work, to control your work and add yourself into a bed? But it just happened, dear (if you read this) please keep yourself always healthy and you have to less your work if you feel you're sick. Not pretending to be strong again..

Dan masalahku adalah masalah yang berhubungan dengan cinta sepihak.
Aku tidak pernah mengetahui jika aku benar-benar bisa mencintai seseorang lagi setelah 3 tahun hubunganku berakhir dengan seorang laki-laki. But, I know, it's going happen.
Dia adalah seorang yang selalu berada dalam keseharianku, mungkin itu yang membuatku menyukainya, intensitas kami yang sering sekali bertemu.
Ketika aku menyukainya, aku sadar bahwa ada jurang yang sangat dalam yang kami miliki. 
Ya, perbedaan agama.
Namun, aku ingin berjuang untuk hubungan ini, dan aku pikir dia pun begitu, setidaknya kami menjalani dulu, baru jika memang takdir Tuhan tidak sampai kepada kami, kami akan menyerah.
Tapi ternyata, 2 tahun yang kami lewati selama ini, hanya aku saja yang berjuang.
Beberapa minggu ini, dia berubah. Tak pernah dia menyapa atau mengajakku nonton film kesukaan yang aku suka download dulu.
Setiap malam dia hanya menerima telepon dari seseorang di ujung sana dengan kata yang sering kami sebut "kamu" dan "aku"
God, why it's happen when my birthday will be coming?
I miss my last birthday, I miss all of that time. 

19 February, this year is going happen together, with Lunar year,
Do you know what I hope know?
I really want to beside my Ian too much, sharing all of our problems like now, even it's just on social media, keep him to always health, reminds him to always take a rest a lot than before. I want to doing that way.
Maybe, I can be strong when I leaved by someone except him, but how can I leaved by Ian even I'm not yet fight to beside him? I don't want  something happen to him :(

Okay, leave my problem and your problem, CB,
Just promise to yourself and myself is we have to outfight them.
Like my title in this blog.
Keep cheering, keep smile like before.
Watchout your schedule first now more selectively than before, not too much, not makes your back pain again. Consult your doctor when you're sick, Got it?
Because I'm not beside you now..

Why I write this entri ?
Haha yup. Coincindence.
Again, always happen. 
Different problem, but in the same time. 

Keep yourself always happy, Christian Bautista.
Keep myself always happy, Febrianita Sholihah.
Fight!!! :) :) :)

Promise me to not use this thing again.

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

He's 33 now. And how excited is me.

For every people in the world, the birthday is something that you must thankful to God, So, when you have so many friends or people who always love you, it means you can have so many pray at your birthday..

As usual, I always give my fate (someone who I always calls him my fate) hopes in his birthday as long as his age (Haha) no I mean I always thankful to God that gives him a life, and of course I met him for real before..
Before it, I always share from Twitter, but because I don't want he knows me as his fans, So, I think I must write in my blog hopelly he can reads someday..

Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTIAN BAUTISTA, now you're 33, you know I always see the difference of you every year. The first time I met up you 9 years ago, I see you like a boy, so really thin with long hair (until under you ears haha), last year honestly I'm so sad that u has been a Brand Ambassador of Golds Gym PH, I think too much because you have too makes your body six packs, control your foods like what they do :( I know that is difficult to you but this yeaaarrr I'm so happy that you fatter than before yessss, I love him when he's love himself. 
And this is my 33 hopes for you, tonight before I sleep I will pray them to God.

This is not my first met him, haha I have it secretly :D

My hopes in his October, 19 2014, God :

1.  Please always makes him healthy
     I always tweet to him to always keep his health because of my father was died because of he never keep his health, work hard without know that his body is weak and I dont want it happen to Christian, he's my second love after my father in the world, so please dear, keep your health. Eat more, sleep more, and don't forget your vitamins when you needed.

2.  Give his carrier always be Ok.
     I know that he really likes sing, and he can reach what he want, His best achievement is when he can being more than 10 years in this industry, so I hope he's always running in this industry and always going well.

3.  Long life~~
     I saw him 9 years ago, now and I want see him moreeeee than 9 years before~~

4.  Love himself first..
     I knew that he using some injection collagen in his face, but dear, I really like you grow up, for the first time you look so young and become old, don't use this if it's make a beside effect to your skin, honestly, I'm worrying..

5.  See the time correctly
     If you finished your job in a day you must take a sleep, don't care about your insomnia but you have to more sleep, sleep is makes yourself better than before, (don't online up to 00.00 am)

6. More colorful than before
    Everyone know you as a mysterious guy, haha it maybe because u always wear a black suit, I like it but someday you have to mix and match it, but I think you better than before about your colours :)

7. Having a more time to your family
    Your family is still important don't care about your busy, still give your dad, mo, Joshua and Jordan a big hug everyday and said to them that you thankful to have them, Go Go!

8. Smile !!!~~~

9. Happiness
    It's like my wish before, the first time you have to do is smile and the happiness will be around you. Less worry, honestly I'm so worrying about ur condition before your birthday that I saw your habitual dont you doing,  but I hope everything that makes u worry is dissapear now.

10. The hope is about what you must to do and I hope you read it !

11. Don't forget to bring your jacket, suit or anything so it makes you always warm whatever the wheather is hot, you're really like me always catch by the cold so bring it.

12. Always smile and show off your teeth during you have a teeth hahaaa

13. Don't forget to share your money to people who needs help. At least once in month..

14. Still like yourself now. Not chance.

15. Always pray everything that you do before.

16. Give feed to both your cats (HAHA)

17. I was gives my gift to your fans in Indonesia, maybe they can gives to you when you're coming, save it and see it before you sleep (MUST)

18. This is important happen to you, and I always write it in our number, 19

19. Maybe I just too confidence, something that I always fear about is forgotten. Especially by you. It makes me never appear in front of you, because I'm afraid that you forgotten me, I always call you fate because of we met without hesitation 9 years ago, and it makes me think that God has a special story to us (if you want to laugh, you can laugh now) but our coincidence is never be usual, You can read my story in here before and I hope you remember me.

20. Continue reading, the next 5 is my thankful to you..

21. Thanks for your help, thanks thanks I always want to said it, haha although you bored or anything but I want you always know that it's makes me never been forgotten you.

22. Thanks for your following in every social media :) 

23. Thanks for not see me as your fans, I always call myself as your fate, no fans.

24. Thanks to your family too especially both of your brother (said it to them okay)

25. Thanks for always bright my dark days with your smile.

26. Don't bored dear, keep continue reading :) .................

27. You're 33, everyone will be pray you must have someone who always beside you,, and me just said :

28. Because of our stories 9 years before and 9 years later my heart is always returned to you, I don't know why, our coincindence is too much and I understand you like I understand myself, when you sick, when you sad I know before you share it to your social media, and that's what I always pray for God .. :

29. For me, God please keep him during I can't beside him, He's the best keeper for you, until the day me meet again, I will tell you about us about my feelling that I always safe to you, because like you, when I try to love someone, it's break up and the time rolls and back to you again.. I dont know why..

30. But, if someone beside you that it's not me my pray always she must always make u laugh, I don't want you have a strees when you're at home, a girl beside you must put a smile to your face everyday (Okay, my tears are falling haha)

31. The 2 last hopes are :

32. Be wiser than before, see your problem as your friend and you can get solution with it.

33. We will be together one day, I hope when I'm typing your 34, 35 and soooo on I'm typing beside you so I can write everything that you want.

The last but not leassstttt,,
Haaaapppyyy 33 Birthdaaaay Christian Bautista :)

Love you to the moon and back ^^
Hey, mr. Mysterious happy belated birthday :)

October, 19 2014
In excited moment.

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

Just share in the afternoon

You are precious, at least for me.
Too long.
My heart is beating someone while listening to songs.

Never wasted anything after you get it, don't care anything it.

That was a line of movies that I watched.
Sometimes, you must keep anything, yup, anything that God gives to you.
What is?
Your look, face, body, your health, you can standing up until now, friends, you have someone who cares to you, your love, maybe your fans, your parents, your siblings, and sooooo many people in the world and things that you must thankful about.

You gives it to another, and they can give you a feedback.
At least, a feedback not like a good respons or bad respons to you,
You have to appreciate it.

Back to the words, 
For everyone who loved by someone, you must know that you are so precious for him/her.
maybe you think like who is she? who is he? who is him who love me? but you must know that is one of thing that you have to thankful so, remember that is so precious for you too.

And two,
whatever it, wherever it, when you got something, you must always keep it beside you, at least appreciate it.
Dont worry the time will be answer if he/she is the best for you or not. 

The last but not least,
Said thanks to everyone who loves you and make your life happiness. :)

Sabtu, 20 September 2014

Do you trust to fate? Because I'm trust it. My First Love ..

Wherever, whenever I thinking about it, I always trust something that I called it fate.

Before I start, sorry if my english doen't fluent enough.

"Lord always have a way to creature everything", so I trust to Him.

I always keep it secretely for myself.

Nine years a go, when I was young, it's maybe when I'm 13 years old, There was coincidence, I follow my brother in law to the hotel that he must give to this hotel; that's a free magazine. But, in the hotel, there's a someone who did a captured photograph , I don't know it.
I'm a girl, a child that really can't calm. I run and run and I hit someone that I don't know, he said (for the first time I heard him) "Are you Ok?" I just saw his face because he's in busy to talk anything (hmm)..
But indeed, for the first time, I think I like that guy, a good guy until I cant speak anything, just 'thanks' hoaaa my tough was freeze that way, 
I don't know that my really first love.

I tell it to my brother in law, I tell that he is really handsome, have a great voice bla bla bla and my brother in law don't know him and he guess he just a crew in there. 
For the first time my heart is full in love but that's emptiness again :( huhu Can I meet up him again? My first love? And just say 'Thank you' to him? Because I don't know how life so difficult like this,,

One day, my brother in law give me the magazine that he works for in printed company~ and that magazine is printed by his company and bringing to me~ andddd.....

Yes, I see him~ someone that I hit back when I run~ in that magazine!
According to my brother in law, he said that maybe he's artist because he can inside the magazine.

Suddenly, I'm happy, I can save his face (until now) from that magazine, but suddenly I'm sad why I can fell in love to someone who I can't reach? A singer?
But, I talk before~ I will see him in the right time in the future, I want he see me as a woman, maybe if he remember me~ Or maybe if he forget me~ I dunno what can I do~ OMG -_-

I always makes it easy, I said 10 years before~ that I met him up, but I read my diary, it's wrote by me Oh God,, it's clearly I wrote, at a 2005..

Last August 25th I meet up him again, in his mini concert in my city, 
But, I can't do or say anything :'(
It's too much people.
But, I can do my word before, that I can met up him at the right time, yaa, I'm a woman now, I was 22 in last February, I was graduate as a Bachelor Of Economic, and now works too..
He return to 33 this years, 
He grow up too much than 9 years ago, more great, fatter (haha) and still handsome (u,u) but in my eyes, he's still my first crush, someone who kind and young~ he never grow up.

He never know me until now, but I always connected to him in twitter, instagram, etc not only with him, but also in his family, because I love his family too..
I connected with his brother in facebook too, I think they are know me now haha :D

I always afraid with this feeling, can it real? Can he know me? Also remember me?
Sometimes, I do something to him, as a couple~ I like when we wear a same colour shirt, haha sometimes I ask him to wear 'A theme colour couple' 
He's always wear the same colour like me! If I'm counting our coincidence, I think it's more than billion coincidence that we happened. For the start, our met up, our same date of born (19) until our illness, I know that he always go to doctor to check up his condition~ Lalala (ignore)
Until now, we always do the same colour shirt, even in his concert, (our 2nd time meet) he wear the colour that I want~ and said to his fans that he like that colour~ dark blue. And it's happen again tonight.

Far from there, I will keep this love for the rest of my life..
I don't know about Lord Reigns, about this fate that come to us or not, but I'm still trust the God have a reason why I'm still love him, even why we met up 9 years ago~
I don't know about my heart maybe when he want to getting marriage with someone, I just want to see his smile whenever I need, even when that smile is not for me~

But, CB, if you read this, just following my sign :
1. Always keep your health, I loved u since 9 years ago, now and I want to see you more than 9 years later..
2. 'Thank you' for your help 9 years a go (sorry I can't speak it when we meet in 2nd time that's too crowd cause ur fans hehe)
3. If you love someone now or later, whoever her, if it's not me I want you choose a woman that makes your day full of laugh~ when you're tired from works it's sing, act or anything, when you open your house and find her, you always smile~ you always laugh~ and forget about your worried in your office~ but, I  hope you can forget your past~ I mean plz not your ex girlfriend, I know how difficult you makes your life like right now when she leaves you..

Because I know you more than your fans know, more than you ever know, I just a woman who loves you with a full of my heart, I'm still waiting for you, whenever your girl is not like what I want, you can come to me~ and feels my unending loves :)

My secretly picture still mine, I will show you if we have enough time to see one each other,,
Next year, I hope I can reach you, I will works in Philipines and see u more closer, hopelly If I have a way~ hehe.. I want see you more closer than now..
Readers, you know what I mean..
He's someone that I tell you before, Christian Bautista :)

Do you want to see our coincidence colour? haha it's our colour, dark blue. See inside, he wear that colours..
               Dear Christian Bautista, how heavy day is, still smile ya :)

Hmm.. now I can breath enough, finally I can write it in my blog, I'm always afraid about my feeling but now I can brave to share it. Thanks readers you are awesome! :)

Jakarta, 23:23 PM

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Love is Where You Want To Be

Sumpah, itu judul blog gue istimewa banget :D
Sebelum ngelanjutin, mau bilang terima kasih, thank you, arigato, dll haha
I receive that Bachelor Of Economics! Yeayyy I am really happy. Thanks for every readers :)

Ehmm.. Btw, Mau lanjutin cerita nya boleh? 
Tahukah kita belajar mencintai dari sejak di kandungan, Ibu sudah mencintai kita meski dia belum lihat kita.
Let see this words : 'Do u trust to love's blind? If u trust, you will be know the reason why your mother really love you too much even she's never seeing you..'
Yup, I'm agree. 
When you love someone you can't see he's richness, he made your life is so wonderful.
Tapi kenapa ya masih ada orang yang awalnya bilang sayang, menjalin kasih sama kita, tapi kemudian dia pergi di kemudian hari?
Teringat akan pesan seorang sahabat, "Kamu cuma kehilangan orang yang kamu cintai, tapi dia kehilangan orang yang mencintainya dengan tulus"
So, stop crying and keep smile.
For my besties friends that hurt by a stupid boy, you must trust that you're amazing and you always stand up to him and said you can!

Jadi blog kali ini untuk menyemangati sahabat ku yang baru berantem dan akhirnya ditinggal kekasihnya, hmm..not for me, because I'm always trust to my fate, someone who had my love since almost 10 years, Christian Bautista.
*skip if you said that I'm just joking*

For my besties, this words is just made by me for you :
If only all could be like before again. If your arms are still as warm embrace I felt. Maybe I will not this upset, this will not be messy, and will not be as crazy as this.
Please promise me, I was the last woman you hurt. After this, go to your mom and loved her with sincerity, so you can learn to love other women with the same sincerity.
I have forgiven you.

-Evening, at Central Jakarta